The club owns and operates two repeater sites and also operates repeaters at four other sites.
Our 1st repeater site is Victory Hill, located approximately 3 miles north of Scottsbluff. The 2m repeater is on 147.075+ (PL 127.3). It offers wide coverage to surrounding counties and into Wyoming. This repeater is linked to Banner County (see below). There is also the 224.600- (no PL) repeater at this site. The site includes a 60′ Rohn 45g tower with 1/2″ Heliax into Triband Vertical. We currently share the site with the Scottsbluff Rural Fire District. We also offer a DMR repeater on 444.250+ . Vistabeam Internet provides the internet service needed for the DMR repeater at no charge to the club and we are eternally grateful for that!
Analog: 156.7pl (no pl needed for DMR)
DMR: Time Slot 1 – Brandmeister.
Time Slot 2 – Local (id 311640)
Our 2nd site is one that was recently converted to 100% solar Power in Banner County, south of Harrisburg, NE. This repeater is linked to Victory Hill. After a brief presentation given to the county commissioner’s, a unanimous vote was obtained and the entire site was donated to the amateur radio club. The site includes a 120-foot Rohn 25G tower with a run of 7/8” Heliax; into a DB-224 and the repeater shack itself. The property owner was gracious enough to sign a 25 year lease, which will give the amateur radio community time to show its’ benefits to the area. This site is home to the 147.000- (PL 103.5 ) repeater and will saturate all of Banner County and provide coverage into surrounding areas, including portions of Wyoming. There is also an APRS repeater on site operated by N7JJY. This site is powered entirely by Solar Power.
Another repeater location is in the Regional West Medical Canter in Scottsbluff. This is where the 145.475- (no pl) repeater is. Because it is physically located in the Hospital, it is tied to their emergency power system, if needed,
There is also a repeater site known as ‘South Michell’. This is where the 444.825+ (PL 100) repeater is located. This repeater is linked to the SkyHub Link System out of Colorado as well as giving good coverage to the Tri-Cities.
Near Lake Minatare is the location of an APRS repeater. We had a repeater hub at that location, but due to reconfiguration of our system, we have removed the hub repeater but tentatively have the ability to return if needed.
The 444.125+ (PL 186.2) repeater is owned by the Scotts Bluff County Emergency Management Agency and is maintained by the local hams. This repeater is located approximately 10 miles south of Scottsbluff at an elevation of 4700 feet. It provides extreme wide coverage and is a “central link hub” to a variety of other repeaters. The primary purpose of this site was to establish a vital link to Cheyenne, WY, allowing area hams to communicate directly with the National Weather Service during Severe Weather. This UHF repeater is linked to the 147.165 repeater located in Albin, Wyoming, which in turn is linked to the 147.105 repeater in Cheyenne, Wyoming. The completion of this important link provided complete saturation of Kimball, Banner, and Scottsbluff counties in Nebraska with partial coverage in Morrill, Box Butte, and Cheyenne counties plus Goshen and Laramie counties in Wyoming.