From Steven Panattoni – N6RSH
After our 5/12/2020 round table discussion on the repeaters, considerable interest was expressed it the Amateur Radio History books I received for Christmas. It was asked that I list the book here.
1st: DeSoto, Clinton B. (1936). 200 Meters and Down: The Story of Amateur Radio. West Hartford, Connecticut, USA: American Radio Relay League. ISBN 0-87259-001-1 The interesting thing about this book is that it was written not long after these events took place and was fresh in the mind of the author at the time.

2nd: Bartlett, Richard A. (2007) The World of Ham Radio, 1901–1950, A Social History. ISBN 978-0-7864-2966-0 This book as part history and a small part remembrance from the author’s brother who was an early Ham Radio operator. He talks about what occurred to make amateur radio a part of our culture.