
We are a rural community located in the far western panhandle of Nebraska, 28 miles east of the Wyoming state-line and approximately 225 miles north-east of Denver, Colorado. Our population is approximately 32,000 people county wide.

Our club is presently small but we are becoming known as an active supporter of Amateur Radio in the western panhandle of Nebraska. Upon demand we hold amateur radio classes, morse code classes, and hold tests for licensing of radio amateurs.

We operate six repeaters as well as a link site:
147.075+ pl 127.3 (FM and C4FM)
147.000- pl 103.5 (FM and C4FM)
146.715- (off air; club still owns coordination)

145.475- no pl

224.600- no pl

444.825+ pl 100.0
444.125+ pl 186.2

DMR Repeater:
Analog: 156.7pl (no pl needed for DMR)
DMR: Time Slot 1 – Brandmeister.
          Time Slot 2 – Local (id 311640)

During the summer months we provide weather spotting services to the community. The local hams actively support the Scotts Bluff County Emergency Management Agency by providing communications during a disaster or when needed.

We hold informal weekly meetings at the El Torito restaurant on 27th. Street in Scottsbluff at 8:00 a.m. each Saturday. Anyone is welcome to attend. Several of the hams meet on Tuesday and Thursday mornings at 10:00 a.m. for coffee at the Gering Runza restaurant. Again anyone is welcome.