Field Day 2021

FIELD DAY 2021 IS IN THE BOOKS! Over 30 participants enjoyed the fellowship and radio sport while practicing for emergency operations. Region 22 Emergency Manager Tim Newman – KA4CKR brought up Mobile Command and we setup in and around it. We were N0NEB 3A NE. Along with the 3 operating stations, we had one GOTA station and one 6 meter station. There was also a class on building a simple Dipole conducted by Larry Frustaglio – KL7MH as well as a VE test session conducted by Jim Boge – WB0VAO, Dave Cisler – KD0ZXH and Hugh Dunne – KW0R. We were visited by a member of the Gering, NE city council and had publicity on the local Radio and TV stations. There were MANY positive comments. Although there were many participants, we would like to thank: Zac and Christy Hays (our NEW General Class Licensees) for procuring the club supplied food and condiments as well as helping cooking; Jim Boge – WB0VAO for the generous donation for the food and supplies; Tim Newman – KA4CKR, Paul Rezac – W0DPD, Larry Frustaglio – KL7MH, and Ryan Trullinger – KC0QNB for supplying the antennas and radios; Toby Rogers – KB0SME for supplying the needed accessories for the cookout; EVERYONE who supplied the side dishes. There were MANY more contributions in supplies and labor by all involved. Thank You ALL.We will definitely do this again!

Map of the Wildcat Hills showing our location
This is our setup at the Wildcat Hills State Recreation Area
Setting up the 6 Meter Station
Larry – KL7MH conducting the antenna class ‘How to Build a Simple Dipole’
Antenna Class
Antenna Class
Antennas up and ready to go. L to R: 10-20m vertical, G5RV (for the GOTA/Digital station), 40/80m dipole and the 20m dipole from the antenna class
GOTA station ready to go
Jaden – KE0NVA operating the GOTA Station. He turned out to be the Top Operator of the event!
Jaden – KE0NVA and Steve – N6RSH working one of the 3 radios in Mobile Command
Here’s Christy Hays (General Call sign pending) and Zac Hays – KE0VXJ working the 20m radio. They did SO MUCH to help out with everything!
Larry – KL7MH and Dave – KD0ZXH at the 6 meter station
Ryan – KC0QNB and Paul – W0DPD at the GOTA station
The Saturday Cookout
KL7MH cooking the Peppers and Onions (they smelled SOOO GOOD!)
Everyone was fed
Sunday Morning. Ready to go again (till the storm forced us to breakdown early)
Our Score Summary. First time we ever turned in a score!